Optimum 365

Lasting, lifelong health for Christians. Lose weight, get healthy, serve God.

  • Temple of God

    Your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit, so let's answer God's call to be healthy and live more fully. It's time to thrive and honor God's Temple! Answer his call 1 Cor. 3:16-17 & 1 Cor. 6:19-20

  • Anchor in the Truth

    Rise up! Be freed from Satan's lies & the slavery of sickness. The truth will set you free: free to glorify your body as God's Temple, free to thrive and live a healthy life full of energy and vitality. John 8:32

  • Shine God's Light

    This transformational Christian holistic health online program will give you the foundation to get healthy & thrive for the rest of your life. Shine your Light of God unto others. Luke 11:34-35, Psalm 73:4, & Matthew 5:16

Course curriculum

  • 01
    How To Get The Most From Optimum365
    Show details
    • Making The Most of Your Optimum365 Holistic Health Education Program
  • 02
    Module #1 - The Physical, Mental & Systemic Benefits of Exercise
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    • Explanation of Progression of Whole Body Exercises in this Course
    • Lesson 1 - The Benefits of Exercise
    • The Physical, Mental and Systemic Benefits of Regular Exercise
    • Why you need to exercise to create optimal health
    • Leg/Glute Exercise - Beginner
    • Leg/Glute Exercise - Intermediate
    • Back - Beginner
    • Back - Intermediate
    • Chest - Beginner
    • Chest - Intermediate
    • Cardio-accelerate - Beginner
    • Cardio-accelerate - Intermediate
    • Shoulder Exercise
    • Tricep Exercise
    • Bicep Exercise
    • Abs/Core Exercise- Beginner
    • Abs/Core Exercise - Intermediate
  • 03
    Module #2 - Causes of Disease: Toxins in our environment, home and personal care products.
    Show details
    • Week 2 Video Disclaimer and Environmental, Personal & Household Toxins to Avoid
    • Disclaimer and Environmental, Personal & Household Toxins to Avoid
    • Toxins in the Environment, Personal Care and Household Products to avoid for Optimal Health
    • Leg/Glute Exercise - Beginner
    • Leg/Glute Exercise - Intermediate
    • Back - Beginner
    • Back - Intermediate
    • Chest - Beginner
    • Chest - Intermediate
    • Cardio-accelerate - Beginner
    • Cardio-accelerate - Intermediate
    • Shoulder Exercise
    • Tricep Exercise
    • Bicep Exercise
    • Abs/Core Exercise - Beginner
    • Abs/Core Exercise - Intermediate
  • 04
    Module #3 - Additives in our food supply that are slowly killing us and robbing our health & vitality
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    • Week 3 Video - Harmful Food Chemicals
    • Food and Beverage Additives that are slowly robbing your health and vitality.
    • Food and Beverage Additives to Avoid for Longevity
    • Leg/Glute - Beginner
    • Leg/Glute - Intermediate
    • Back - Beginner
    • Back - Intermediate
    • Chest - Beginner
    • Chest - Intermediate
    • Cardio-accelerate - Beginner
    • Cardio-accelerate - Intermediate
    • Shoulder Exercise
    • Tricep Exercise
    • Bicep Exercise
    • Abs/Core - Beginner
    • Abs/Core - Intermediate
  • 05
    Module #4 - The Medical Industrial Complex and why Chronic Disease is on the Rise
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    • Week 4 Video - Understanding why chronic disease is on the rise
    • Why the Medical Industrial Complex is failing society and why we, as a nation and much of the world, are in such poor health.
    • Why you should NOT outsource your health to the Medical Industrial Complex
    • Leg/Glute - Beginner
    • Leg/Glute - Intermediate
    • Back - Beginner
    • Back - Intermediate
    • Chest - Beginner
    • Chest - Intermediate
    • Cardio-accelerate - Beginner
    • Cardio-accelerate - Intermediate
    • Shoulder Exercise
    • Tricep Exercise
    • Bicep Exercise
    • Abs/Core - Beginner
    • Abs/Core - Intermediate
  • 06
    Module #5 - Understanding Fats and Their Role in Your Health
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    • Week 5 Video - Fats and their influence on your overall health
    • Understanding Fats Role in Health
    • Understanding Fats to help control your health outcomes
    • Leg/Glute - Beginner
    • Leg/Glute - Intermediate
    • Back - Beginner
    • Back - Intermediate
    • Chest - Beginner
    • Chest - Intermediate
    • Cardio-accelerate - Beginner
    • Cardio-accelerate - Intermediate
    • Shoulder Exercise
    • Tricep Exercise
    • Bicep Exercise
    • Abs/Core - Beginner
    • Abs/Core - Intermediate
  • 07
    Module #6 - Understanding Carbohydrates & Proteins Role in Health
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    • Week 6 Video - Carbohydrates & Proteins influence on your overall health
    • Understanding Carbohydrate and Protein Influence to Your Health
    • Understanding Carbohydrates and Protein well enough to use them to create health
    • Leg/Glute Exercise - Beginner
    • Leg/Glute Exercise - Intermediate
    • Back - Beginner
    • Back - Intermediate
    • Chest - Beginner
    • Chest - Intermediate
    • Cardio-accelerate - Beginner
    • Cardio-accelerate - Intermediate
    • Shoulder Exercise
    • Tricep Exercise
    • Bicep Exercise
    • Abs/Core - Beginner
    • Abs/Core - Intermediate
  • 08
    Module #7 - Understanding Food Labels and Advertising
    Show details
    • Week 7 Video - Understanding Food Labels and Advertising
    • Understanding Current Food Labels and Advertising & How to Make Healthy Choices
    • Understanding and using Food Labels to guide you in healthy food choices
    • Leg/Glute Exercise - Beginner
    • Leg/Glute Exercise - Intermediate
    • Back - Beginner
    • Back - Intermediate
    • Chest - Beginner
    • Chest - Intermediate
    • Cardio-accelerate - Beginner
    • Cardio-accelerate - Intermediate
    • Shoulder Exercise
    • Tricep Exercise
    • Bicep Exercise
    • Abs/Core - Beginner
    • Abs/Core - Intermediate
  • 09
    Module #8 - Nutritional Supplement Recommendations and Powerful Holistic Modalities
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    • Nutritional Supplement Recommendations & Promising Holistic Health Modalities
    • Supplemental Considerations & Noteworthy Holistic Healing Modalities
    • Leg/Glute - Beginner
    • Leg/Glute - Intermediate
    • Back - Beginner
    • Back - Intermediate
    • Chest - Beginner
    • Chest - Intermediate
    • Cardio-accelerate - beginner
    • Cardio-accelerate - Intermediate
    • Shoulder Exercise
    • Tricep Exercise
    • Bicep Exercise
    • Abs/Core - Beginner
    • Abs/Core - Intermediate

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Answer God's call to be healthy.

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